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Friday, 26 April 2013

SAlt exhibition at AQC

Last week the SAlt group (South Australian Living Textiles) set up and launched our exhibition at the Australian Quilt Convention.
Below are some pics of the show. 
It will be off to the Perth and Sydney Quilt Shows in May and June and Adelaide in November.
Hope that many of you have seen it or will have the opportunity to view it in your state.
See previous posts about this exhibition.

At AQC - one side of our exhibition

Julie Haddrick giving a floor talk

A few of the quilts from the "garden path" series

The "Treasured Past" Series

"Doorways" series

We would love to hear your views on the exhibition.
 If any body would like to exhibit it let me know.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

SAlt Exhibition

Some more details of my work in the SAlt exhibition to be launched next week at Australian Quilt Convention.

Suzanne Gummow - detail "New Directions"

Suzanne Gummow - detail "Twist and Turns"

Suzanne Gummow - detail "Journey Within"

Hope you can see the exhibition at the 
AQC in Melbourne next week.

SAlt exhibition

SAlt - South Australian Living Textiles is a group of 5 artists - Judi Bushby, Suzanne Gummow, Julie Haddrick, Francie Mewett and Sarah Bell Smith. 

The exhibition is called 
"THE FABRIC TRAIL....journeys of five textile artists"
The exhibition is a collection of fabric artworks (40 in all) that explore elements of the theme 'journeys' framework and encompasses various fabric techniques and ideas through contemporary and traditional media.

It has been an exciting two years creating 8 artworks each with a different theme. It is a wonderful exhibition and so diverse. The exhibition is to be launched at the Australian Quilt Convention next week in Melbourne( and will then travel throughout Australia.

We would all love you to view the exhibition.

Below are a few details of my work from the exhibition.

Suzanne Gummow - Detail 'Garden Path'

Suzanne Gummow - Detail 'Doorways'

Suzanne Gummow - Detail 'Places Travelled'

So if you are attending the AQC

 do not miss the SAlt exhibition!!
I would love to know what you 
think of the works.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Australian Quilt Convention

I am preparing and packing for the Australian Convention in Melbourne next week - I will be teaching 3 classes: Collage, Creating New Fabric and Reuse,Recycle, Refresh. The AQC is on next week 18-21 April at the Royal Exhibition Gardens, Melbourne, Australia.

Apart from teaching I have been involved in a group of 5 Artists - SAlt (South Australian Living Textiles) for the last two years and we will be launching our exhibition "The Fabric Trail" at AQC.

My teaching classes photos are below and in the next post I will give you some more details of our SAlt exhibition.


Creating New Fabric

Reuse, Recycle, Refresh

So come and enjoy the Convention !!! Check out what is happening at

Friday, 12 April 2013

Is it going to be  a lovely day?

A couple of days ago this was the view from my window so I jumped out of bed with the camera.
Now I thought - is it going to be a lovely day?
It was warm and sunny - the days are getting cooler and autumn is here.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Indigo Dyeing

Some examples of the pole wrapping from the students at the Indigo workshop with tutor Jane Callender (UK) held in Adelaide, South Australia in March.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Indigo Dyeing

Indigo is one of the oldest known dyes and records of it use date back to China AD 25-220
Indigo textiles have been found in ancient cities all over the world
Indigo is a general term given to a group of plants that contain 'indican' - a water soluble colourless substance that turns blue when exposed to air (oxidised).
There are at least 24 species of indigo, all natives of tropical climates.
Indigo dyes textiles have been found in Egyptian tombs and Inca graves, and are known to have been used in ancient India.
Indigo was also valued for it medicinal properties in China and Japan.

At our workshop a couple of weeks ago the students practiced "Bo Maki" (overall name for pole wrapping). 

Below are some of the pole wrapping photos from the workshop - in another post I will show you some of the results.